Media Mogul & Songbird Unswathe Tiny Tweets

Babies are cute . . . yeah, yeah, yeah.  Behind that story is the true black story.  The Barbara WaWa  interview (Friday, 10/21/11, 20/20) spent the entire ten minutes further flinging Media Mogul Nick Cannon to the darkest edge of the blinding glow of Mariah Carey’s spotlight.  “They live in her homes,” Barbara says.  “He’s even an executive at Nickelodeon,” Barbara explains.  Poor Nick, under 30 years old and a star in his own right with bank (millions), has to constantly be made to feel less than what he is by these proper-sounding closet racists.

Piers Morgan asked Nick so very inappropriately, “What does she (Mariah) see in you?”  Even if he had posed the ugly question to Mariah herself, it still would have been grossly inappropriate.  It suggests that somehow Nick Cannon isn’t good enough for Mariah Carey because she is all superstar . . . or perhaps because she’s half white?

Diane Sawyer did the same to J.Lo years ago, asking her, as she bends at the waist squinting her beady blues profoundly: “What do you see in him (P. Diddy)?”  Certain others all seem to think that the flaws of a black man do not bite, prick, consume, or scar other men.  No one asked J.Lo what she saw in Ben Affleck, did they?  And wasn’t he the one who so brazenly and disrespectfully “flirted” with her before her husband’s very eyes and, later, who so cowardly cheated on her to avoid a walk to the altar with her himself.  A true scoundrel from start to finish.  Ben repeat after me: “I’m just not that into you.”  See how easy that was?

Even when there are no depreciating flaws to speak of—as in the case of Nick Cannon, with all his beauty, boyish charm, talent, and wholesomeness—do you ever wonder why the black man must always be diminished?  Even when he’s good, he’s no good? 

Do you ever wonder what anyone sees in a wrinkled old woman like Barbara, Diane, or Piers?  Ugly hypocrites!

One day, remind me to ask Barbara: “What did she see in a black woman’s husband?”  Surely it was in his pants . . . but it probably wasn’t his wallet!

Comments (4)

  1. Hey Holliday! You know I had to come over and show some love :-)

    I do love your writing style…hilarious and engaging!!

    I saw this interview too and what messed me up was when Barbara asked Mariah if she trusted Nick. REALLY? Why would anyone ask that question of a couple???? Obviously there is some level of trust. I thought it was a silly question which opened up a can of beans on air as Mariah stuttered, shifted, and admitted that there are trust issues. (I would have liked to have been back stage when this topic came up if at all, albeit to the surprise of Nick LOL)

    Sounds to me like Ms. Walters is ever so lovingly living up to that closet racist status you mention! :-)


    • Holliday Vann

      Hey Kesha! Thanks so much for the sweet comment. You know a person who loves to write never gets tired of hearing that someone appreciates the hard work.

      Yeah, girl, sometimes I think I’m the only one looking at these shady interviews with one eye squinted. Poor Nick had never looked more uncomfortable in his young rich life! I wanted to jump on screen and massage his shoulders to keep them from pinning his ears. The whole ten minutes was a hot mess. And Kesha, you know good and well we really don’t have to go black stage to know where the insecurity and trust issues were coming from. Let’s just say, winter always has more to worry about than spring. However, I hope Nariah or Mick lasts. I do love these two together!

      Again, thanks for the luv, Kesha!

  2. […] Nick Cannon, Nickelodeon Executive and host of America’s Got Talent, was admitted to a hospital in Aspen, […]

  3. Good day Holliday Vann I loved your informative article on Mariah Carey Introduces Babies on 20/20 with Barbara Walters. wow precisely what I was searching for, thank you for posting .

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