Archives for : legalization of marijuana

The Devil’s Lettuce

In today’s world, access to products, services, and people is greater than it has ever been or ever imagined before.  From the power of ordering online with next day arrival to the ability to communicate with others around the world in seconds, if what you have to say or sell can’t be heard or sold, it’s very likely your own fault.

One group that has benefited the most from this age of high-speed technology is celebrities.  Whether they are worshiped and idolized or critiqued and attacked, with the Twittersphere, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat added to their usual channels of communication, their every move bleeps on our personal radars.  Scrolls across the screen.  It’s a narcissist’s dream.   No matter what these people do, we cannot get enough of it—including their opinions about cannabis.

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A Skunky Situation?

As giddy as a pothead...

Potheads are grinning from ear to ear!

The giddiness was as contagious as contact vapors when potheads learned that Mary Jane had been freed.

To grow in select backyards anyway.

While other states have spent years just blowing smoke, Colorado and Washington State are the first states to legalize marijuana.  Ironically, as a side effect, most of us have no idea what that means.

So grab your snacks and let’s toke.  I mean, talk.

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