Archives for : Happy Easter!

Hands Tied?


…when it’s the waiting season.

Hands tied?  On hold?

The waiting season is a time to mature, soften and mellow, gain perspective, reflect, evaluate, and make adjustments.

It’s a time to learn and to grow.

–Dale C. Bonner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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He Is Risen!


Aren’t you glad?

The Lily of the Valley


In remembrance of Jesus Christ . . . the sacrificial lamb.

Jesus Christ is most high, higher than the mightiest prince or king on earth.  He is above angels.  Yet, He is humble and lowly in heart.  As the lily of the valley grows tall and is fruitful, as there is no one above Him, He reigns supreme and is exalted by all.  Despite His appeal, as sweet and fragrant as a flower, despite His unspeakable glory, His purity made perfect, as the lily of the valley, in humility, He hangs His head.

Happy Easter!