Archives for : August2011

From Nigger to Slave: The Come Up

Recently, there has been much ado about nothing, in my opinion, concerning the “N” word and Mark Twain’s classic, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  Because that certain ugly word is used over 200 times in the novel, it is the fourth most banned book in the U.S.  And some politically correct-minded publishers, outraged African Americans, and a host of others want to exchange one dirty word, “nigger,” for another dirty word, “slave.”  Is this the come up? 

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The Planet of the Apes Rose August 5th

Skip it! 

Egad! Yet another version of this monkey business? Really? Here’s the problem.  Perhaps it’s a personal problem.  Consciously or subconsciously, I have the same love/hate relationship with the innocent monkey that blacks and whites have with each other, women and men have with each other, etc.  My problem is with blight people.  People (black, white or other) who wither hopes, destroy prospects, impair growth, or employ not too subtle ways to make intentionally harmful social or political commentary.

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Bill Maher is Dead

I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative.
I think religion is a neurological disorder.
–Bill Maher

January 20, 1956 – ?

I was half-watching television one late night, mostly flicking through channels to give my restless brain something to light on. On Piers Morgan, I heard Bill’s flesh say OUT LOUD for the Good Lord to hear that he is an actual atheist! Blackbiting aside, this was disturbing, for I genuinely like Bill Maher. I think he’s both witty and wise with a cute, but sneaky boyish look. And it was unbearable thinking that when I arrive in heaven with my entourage, when he puts off his tabernacle, he won’t be present to entertain me into the really beyond.

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The Mo’Nique Show Bites the Dust?

If you’re like me, you were a bit taken ablack when you heard this rumor.  I thought, what the heck is going on ever there at BET. The rumor is that either The Mo’Nique Show  has low ratings or that there is in-fighting over money.  I would tend to think that the latter is the biting issue. Consider this, if it wasn’t for  106 & Park and The Game, I doubt if anyone would be watching any of BET’s programming, considering that it serves up daily, nothing but repeats and reruns–which, of course, is redundant–which, of course, is exactly my point.

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