Archives for : Celebrity Bites

Skinny Ain’t For Every Body


Because fashion is never about comfort, is it?

That familiar and iconic suit of the sixties is now referred to as the English-cut suit.  It’s a flattering look with clean lines, especially on men with slim, boyish physiques.  In the sixties, James Brown, The Temptations, Smokey Robinson, Marvin Gaye and the Beatles wore these youthful skinny suits.  They wore them well.

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Kylie Jenner’s Boyfriend Tyga: A Real Animal?


Fans recognized Molly O’Malia and came for her for breaking up Tyga and Kylie Jenner. Then Gloria Allred came for OK Magazine…but will she come for Tyga?

It probably should be.  But, yeah, it’s no secret—that Kylie Jenner’s boyfriend, Tyga, likes little girls.

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Fireworks From a Different Era


Sadly, for old man Cosby, the fireworks have only just begun…

If you tuned into CNN looking for fireworks from around the world, you probably witnessed a scene that felt more like watching an old man being escorted to the Whipping Post.

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Always Divine


"Sorry, Mary Jane Paul, but my arm ain't the only thing that's broke."

On recent episodes of “Being Mary Jane,” starring’s own Brown Sugar Award winner, Gabrielle Union, a certain someone has made a divine appearance. 

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No Justice for Halle Berry


Halle Berry split from Olivier Martinez conjures up relics from the past.

David Justice, Halle Berry’s starter husband, reportedly tweeted: “Yup . . . Me, Eric (Benet), Gabriel (Aubry) and Olivier (Martinez) were all her ‘Knight in Shining Armor,’ until it ends.  Then we all become the worst guys in history.”

After tweeting about the custody battle between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry and how “Only the guys in the relationship with Halle know the real deal,” Justice pressed delete on some of his tweets but not before Barefoot Father Earth, Eric Benet, kicked some dust Halle’s way.

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Ah, Non, Émasculé!


With-zout ze common enemy, Eugène, what fun was zair in ze marry-ah-jer?

Emasculated?  Is zat all?  Haha Haha, oh my, ha, ha…

Après ze shoque initiale of news of ze Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez split subsided, in hindsight, perhaps ze writing was already on ze divorce papiers.

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Shade or Shadows?


Who are these white folks?

An unfortunate by-product of Reality TV is that it often makes something out of nothing.  It creates drama where there is none.  But if viewers look closely, they may realize one or two things.  The offspring of celebrities either choose to chill in the shade of famous relatives or drag around in the shadows of a burdensome dark cloud.  The Jacksons: Next Generation, a Lifetime production featuring what seems like an army of children sired by The Jackson Five makes the pros and cons of being a celebrity kid embarrassingly clear.

Why some celebrity children feel that their parents’ purpose in life, which leads them to become world renown singers, must be their destiny as well is beyond comprehension.  Sure it may be in their genes to carry a tune.  But it may not be their purpose to wow the world with song.  The world is filled with people anointed to sing who will never have the world success that the regularly tone-deaf Taylor Swift experiences.  Tito Jackson’s sons, Taryll Jackson, Taj Jackson, and TJ Jackson, have approached middle age wishing on the Jackson Family stardom.  These young people seem to be burdened by the looming shadow of family success.  All they do is whine and cry and procreate with paler people and show up occasionally in studios trying to bang out the one song that will catapult them to Michael Jackson status (which everyone but them seems to know is never going to happen).

Other, lesser known children of celebrities seem to be burdened by family success as well.  They suffer all sorts of identity crises trying to wear shoes too big for their feet or their talent.  Always dragging around in someone else’s shadow is difficult for even us so-called common folk.  But why a child of a celebrity, who has the means and every opportunity to truly find out who they are, would choose to try to make platinum lightning strike twice must be as frustrating to the parents who indulge them in the expression of their watered down talent as they are to the public they are thrust upon.

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Murder Empire

Letting fairies and celebrities Murder the Empire?The one quality a big flamin’ Queen and a starvin’ Foodie will never possess is . . .

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Needs A Blood Transfusion

Real-Housewives-of-Atlanta-Season-8Rumors swirl.  This rumor that former housewife Sheree Whitfield would once again haunt the set of The Real Housewives of Atlanta in its 8th season seems to have swirled into the truth.  An unfortunate truth.

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Smiling Like Miss America


Are these the new adventures of Old Christine?

Ever since Almighty GLOD liberated womankind, attention-starved women have been able to hold their heads high and smile their widest smiles.

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