Archives for : celebrity divorces

Nuptials Exploding Like the Fourth of July


Deion and Pilar in happier times.

Pilar is said to be distraught over the demise of her 13-year marriage.

Deion Sanders and his second wife Pilar appeared on Christian television as the picture of Black beauty, prosperity, and marital bliss.   Hmmm.  Enter Tracey Edmonds stage left and he and his gorgeous wife are exiting stage right . . . to divorce court.

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It’s Over . . . For Now

Heidi Klum and Seal announce their separation.

Heidi and Seal won't be renewing their vows this year.

Like a shadow without sunlight, velvety smooth singer Seal and his lovely Supermodel wife want us to believe that it’s all over.  They’re separating.  They want us to believe that the couple that renews its marriage vows each and every year is truly neurotic and unsure of its love, and that kind of love could never last . . . 

The timing could not be more perfect.  Soon, Seal will be going on tour to sell his new CD—and the fantasy of being with him—to lonely women all over the world.

I’m still not sure if Usher is really divorced.  Don’t you wish that people would grow up emotionally and love their favorite artist whether he has a hot wife or not?