
Since it was here, maybe a few words should be said.  About the Republican National Convention, that is.  Most of us in Cleveland, Ohio were mostly concerned about whether our usual routines would be disrupted and, if so, by how much. There were roadblocks, highway entrances and exits diverted or closed, and the expected traffic pattern changes with the usual casualties:  all business stopped to some businesses.

It’s weird.

We watched these red, white and blue characters on the “tube for boobs” like you did, as if the aliens of the RNC descended on some other faraway city instead of in our own backyard.


In the heart of downtown Cleveland, looked like everybody had beef about something, judging from the signs.  The abortion signs with their mangled “fetuses” in hi-def are always a treat at the dinner hour.  There was a lot of pushin’ and shovin’ and 24 arrests.


Yep, I did it.

There was Melania Trump’s unfortunate and ill-fitting hand-me-down speech.  For a woman who can speak four languages fluently, it was disappointing that she didn’t bother to use one of them to show some first ladylike personality and to disprove that she’s just an aging Barbie-esque clotheshorse squirming under a rich prick’s thumb.

Score 1 for Michelle Obama.

Republicans getting booed by other Republicans, what can you say?  It’s the height of redneck entertainment.  Poor white (but still too Hispanic) Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, aka Shoney’s Big Boy, and the other more boring Bush brother—and all the other possibly more competent hopefools—are obviously still red-faced and blue about stumbling to get traction in the race.  After being robbed of the nomination by undignified, dressed-up spiritually po’ white trash, they must be in constant wonderment about how they or the GOP will ever recover.


At the end of the day or at the first blush of sun in the morning, no matter how much you spend during the sagging hours in between, Big Don proved you still can’t buy class.  For Democrats, Trump picking Pence held no suspense or excitement.

Last night (7/21) the real fireworks occurred.  To those a hundred years old and for nearly that many blocks away, the startling boom of fireworks must have rung out like a mini war.  However, as of today, there are no known fatalities besides the usual black-on-black crime between black males and against innocents under the age of 5.


There were serious signs like these and other silliness like “God hates bangs.” What a waste of energy.

Didn’t see much of the Hell’s Angels beyond their initial pre-convention interview where they promised to serve and protect Trump’s stump from dissenters as if they were the boys in blue.  With boys in blue force—or worse.  Except, neither Mayor Frank Jackson nor Governor John Kasich invited them to.  Maybe they are the reason the armed forces swarmed the city.


No animals, upright or on all fours, were harmed in the burning of this flag.

But as indicated by John Kasich’s conspicuous absence, if it hadn’t been for the news and the thunder of stealth bombers circling overhead unseen every fifteen minutes at night, no one would have guessed the governor was governor or Republican or that the Republican National Convention had ever arrived.

In the scheme of things, for this reason we can happily pull the white sheet over this one and chalk it up as a dead-and-gone success.  County Executive Armond Budish who said, “Our safety forces played a huge part in keeping the peace and giving our visitors a safe, secure experience,” thanked everyone for “playing a crucial part in making our county welcoming and safe.”  It would seem so.

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