Slaughter of the Sons of Ham

You deny me an education, then call me stupid.  You deny me a job, then call me lazy.  The sight of me irritates like the edges of a rock in your shoe.  You say I am ugly, but you won’t turn away.  Can’t stop staring.  I wear a hoodie and avert my eyes.  You say I’m suspicious.  You set traps and snares for me.  You hunt me down to satisfy your own bloodlust.

But I am the animal.

Is this what white people see when they see the Sons of Ham?  A dog?  Not likely.  White people have never met a dog that they didn’t want to kiss.  When white people look at the Sons of Ham, they must see an animal.  Otherwise, why would anyone chase him down, murder him in cold blood, and call it self-defense?

Those who would attack the Sons of Ham walk to and fro in the earth seeking whom they may devour.  And he, the Son of Ham, is the devil?

Rodney King, victim of police brutality.

"Can we all just get along?" --Rodney King

Are the Sons of Ham children of a lesser God?  When white people see the Sons of Ham, most of the time they don’t see him at all.  They don’t see a living, breathing, feeling human being at all.  When Rodney King took his beating, most white people never even flinched.  Not once!  They immediately attributed guilt, saying, “He must have done something (wrong).”  Black people immediately attributed mercy, saying, “No matter what he did (if anything), he didn’t deserve to be beaten like an animal.” 

When the potential of a Trayvon Martin falls to the cold hard earth never to flourish, white people yawn, surmising, “If he accomplished anything at all, it wouldn’t have amounted to much.”  Like children, the spiritually bankrupt are only interested in being entertained by bouncing balls, marvelous dance moves, or the soulful voices of angels.

Empathy or sympathy should never be expected from those without souls.  Like wooden idols, they neither hear nor see.   But God sees all things, hears all things, and knows all things.  When the wicked plots against the just seeking to slay him, God laughs, for he sees that their day is coming (Psalm 37: 12-13).

Comments (2)

  1. Kim

    Very well written, Holliday Vann. People need to stand up for their rights. Black people need to wake up and stop sleepin’! Keep up the “good news.” That’s what’s up.

  2. Tony Rome

    Black people need to really wake up and smell the coffee, roses, and all things that would help the black race to really see what is going on now, especially, after having the first black president. Racism has been getting out of hand and the racist people are showing it everywhere and every day. They are mad because the USA commander-in-chief is a black man and 50% of them hate that fact, and that they are becoming the minority real soon. They have fear of a people-of-color planet.

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